The Young Sheffield Hero supported by Kingfield Supported Living
What the judges will consider in the nominations for the young hero of Sheffield:
A person under the age of eighteen that:
- Goes above and beyond the call of duty to help, support or develop their local community or the city as a whole.
- Clearly puts others before themselves and selflessly supports those that need help regardless of the sacrifices required.
- Has shown immense courage in the face of adversity.
You can find out how to nominate someone on our nominations page.

Kingfield Supported Living provide support services across South Yorkshire with the aim to help those living with any form of disability to enjoy a more independent and fulfilling life, in bespoke accommodation specially adapted to their individual needs.
Kingfield Supported Living is an approved and contracted framework provider of supported living services by local authorities in the locations in which we operate services. Kingfield’s support team exceeds over 100 staff across the region.
Kingfield work with those using their supported living service to help them with a range of activities and everyday tasks, such as personal care, money management and social and leisure activities, to build confidence and social skills. As part of this service Kingfield’s staff team take pride in working with the people they are supporting devising personal support plans tailored to each person’s individual needs